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ABOUT ME //////
Brew Luciano aka Cyrus Grissom
I was introduced to House music as a kid and has always been a big factor in my life. Born and raised in the D, every Friday night, you could always turn the radio on and here the Friday Night Thunderstorm mix provided by Jeff Mills aka the Wizard followed by the live party broadcast with names like Terrence Parker, Juan Atkins, Norm Talley, etc. Those memories will be embeded in my mind for years to come.
Then, fast foward to 1999, I used to frequent an establishment called the Buddah Lounge where I heard Terrence Parker and Mo Reese play live and direct. After meeting both living legends, I was inspired to start DJ'ing. I attended Buddah Lounge every time they were playing and made great friends there all for the love of House. Not too long after, I met Minx, DJ Taz, Quiet Storm and Eric Johnson. They helped in major ways of distigushing what was house versus techno and the basic principles of how to DJ.
I practiced as often as possible to create my own style and craft, I met Tony Whitfield. We became friends instantly after meeting on Pressure Radio and he offered me a spot on a different station. Shortly after being there, I applied for Pressure Radio and was accepted. I also applied for a new station on D3EP Radio Network and was accepted there also. Those are happy moment for me that words can't express.
Those that helped me that helped me when I was frustrated and helped me to keep going: Tony Bell, Tia Turner, Diamondancer, Tasha Price, Doc Link, Frank Soto, Sinuosa, the Dyer family, Nathan Adams, Sabrina Chyld, Tony Whitfield, James Seay, Harry Harvey, Applejac, my college family, GRUV: Detroit, W.O.W, Diviniti, Michelle Robinson, everyone from HandzOnRadio, Pressure Radio, D3ep Radio Network and everyone involved in House...I thank you for all the love and support for being there for me. My heart is and will always be there for House Music.
"All this love I have for you, House music, I love you!"
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